Nick Dugan

Jan 11, 2025 4:01 AM
Files & media

I would like to make the analogy of feet and building footings. Feet are what give the human body its base and provides us with balance to stay up right. Building footings are the base of the building that sets the foundation for the building to be strong just like feet on a body.

I would make the analogy of bones being like the framing of the building. Bones in our body make up the shape and structure. Otherwise we would be like jello. Framing is the same thing it gives the building its shape.

I would give the analogy of eyes and windows. Eyes are the way we see and windows are the way you see out of the building. Without windows or eyes the room would be dark (if there was no such thing as a light bulb).

One final analogy is fat and insulation. On our body everyone has fat which provides us with many things but I would say temperature control is one thing is does do. Insulation in a building do the same thing and helps with temperature control.