Jose Alan Perez

Jan 12, 2024 12:34 AM
Last edited by
Jose Alan Perez

What Makes an Exhibition Space Great?

I have found that the presentation of an exhibition space is the most important feature for an exhibition space to distinguish itself from the rest. In today’s modern society, Apple is a leader in making their products simple, consistent, and appealing to the consumer. They have imitated these principles into their own stores that serve as an exhibition space for their new technology. Below is an image of the Downtown Palo Alto Apple Store and the way that it represents everything that is inside. In the following picture is the museum recently opened in Riyadh for Cristiano Ronaldo, an international soccer icon. The museum is shaped as the signature of the famous athlete. Finally, the Louvre Museum’s entrance of the glass pyramid. These features are what made me put these spaces in my top list. I feel that museums are special places where we see the past. However, I am most interested in seeing how these spaces can capture that past with the modern world and its environment.

Apple Store in Downtown Palo Alto, CA.


CR7 Museum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Louvre Museum in Paris, France
