My project location is at Jasper Ridge near the lake, from Climate Consultant- I got that Palo Alto’s climate zone requires mainly heating. However, in my building design, the majority of my southern walls are curtain walls with no shading (besides a roof overhang), so I do expect a need for cooling in my museum. I don’t think my heating and cooling systems will be exhausted; but I wanted to include both in my building just in case.
For my HVAC systems, I decided to do a standard Air Transport System with both supply Airflow and Return Air. I have two Air handlers which are both located on the roof. For my Return air system, each room only requires one air terminal; however, I changed the air terminal’s CFM based on the room’s needs. For my supply airflow, each room has multiple air terminals. In spaces with lots of circulation (lobby, hallways) or spaces I don’t expect heating or cooling to be needed (stairs, bathroom, storage), I included one air terminal for the entire common space. I divided my building up into two zones: the east and north. This helped me create my duct systems. I am planning on hiding ducts with a ceiling. I struggled with creating a symmetrical duct system because of the location of my air handlers. Because the air handlers are not evenly spaced out, my duct systems are not symmetric.