Because the Philippine Space Agency has still been being institutionalized yet and structured without actual headquarters in the Philippines, I want to dedicate my CEE 220B work to design a Sustainable Built Environment and Learning and Exhibition Center for them!
The government desires to place the headquarters in Clark Freeport and Special Economic Zone to decongest the traffic volume in the neighboring metropolitan Manila and to create opportunities in other provinces.
Because I previously worked on high-rise buildings, I'm an avid fan of the CTBUH International Tall Building Design Competition and I will get some of my inspirations from last year's winners.
Feature 1: Use of Solar Panels by Conducting Sunlight Analysis
Feature 2: Ventilation/Comfort through Environmental Analysis
I would like to seek mentorship/advice on how to do it if there's a plug-in in REVIT or Dynamo! I'm interested to learn it through the quarter.
Feature 3: A Structural Main Attraction in the center of the building interior
This idea is very popular in the Philippines because one of the museums in metropolitan Manila actually uses the concept of trees in the center of the building interior.
Feature 4: The Use of Engineered Wood! - sustainable!
This idea is also becoming popular because one of the airports in the Philippines used engineered wood. I may try to use engineered wood to give more life! However, because our country is located in a highly seismic and typhoon-prone region (i.e. very large lateral forces), I would need to balance the use of steel/concrete/hybrid and engineered wood.
Feature 5 - What to expect for the ground floor?
Landscape design will be very important for the ground floor. I would need to carefully locate the trenches, pipes, drainage, fire cistern tank, sewerage tank, and other structures beneath the ground floor level. I want to have a walkway or walking lobby that's interactive and would not be a typically boring window-lobby-walkway interaction. We always see rectangular windows and a plain lobby. It has to be changed to add life to it. The challenge would be the structural system for this elevated walkway.
I admit that this would be super expensive at first glance. This is just a concept to enable me to practice and learn the fundamentals of 220B.