Candice Delamarre

Journal Entry For
Module 3 - Project Goals Targets & Strategies


  • Design Goal: a unique exhibition center that is sustainable and is super comfortable/liveable with as many sustainable and usable design concepts and technologies as possible : focus on Sustainable and Usable, then a bit Operable (not really Buildable)
  • Measure:  Architecture 2030 or LEED or Living Building Challenge?
  • Targets:
    • Architecture 2030: target 90% of median site EUI for public assembly use (42 kBtu/sq/yr)
    • LEED Silver minimum, but target Gold
    • Look into Living Building Challenge
  • Strategies:
    • passive solar: building orientation, shading facade
    • water conservation
    • leverage natural light as much as possible for liveability
    • visual impact: use biomimicry to make sustainable design strategies understandable for visitors
    • healthy behaviors: encourage use of stairs, walking, meeting people, serendipity