Daphne Jacobsberg

Journal Entry For
Module 3 - Project Goals Targets & Strategies
  • Design Goal 1: too build an exhibition space that interacts with the environment around it
  • Measure:  visual assessment
  • Targets:
    • minimally acceptable value: non-disruptive aesthetics
    • desired / target value: complements existing environment
  • Strategies:
    • one design strategy that I’d like to explore in my design to achieve this goal is using materials sourced from the environment
    • a second design strategy is following the landscape (not suggesting a 20 story building at the Dish)
    • general color scheme
    • using natural light as much as possible
  • Design Goal 2: incorporation of green areas within project
  • Measure: ratio of green to built area
  • Targets:
    • minimally acceptable value: 1:3 (25%)
    • desired / target value 1:2 (50%)
  • Strategies:
    • one design strategy that I’d like to explore in my design to achieve this goal is creating spaces for greenery within built units
    • a second design strategy is to have greenery inside and on built units
    • a third design strategy is to have some sort of garden to grow foods used in operation of building
  • Design Goal 3: use of sustainable materials
  • Measure:  make sure all material choices are purposeful and decrease energy usage
  • Targets:
    • minimally acceptable value: mainly wood, steel
    • desired / target value: no concrete
  • Strategies:
    • one design strategy that I’d like to explore in my design to achieve this goal is using materials that are produced by legal workers
    • a second design strategy is to use soil to make walls (reference of winery)
    • maybe a third strategy is to have water recycling within building system
    • fourth strategy: renewable energy sources