Haoyu Si

Journal Entry For
Module 3 - Project Goals Targets & Strategies
  1. Design Goal: The building will be running with a minimum energy consumption and pollution
    1. Measure: LEED score given by LEED offical rating
    2. Targets:
      1. Minimum: LEED Certified
      2. Target Value: LEED Platinum
    3. Design Strategy:
      1. Design functions following the LEED Rating System so that a higher score can be achieved
      2. Always considering the energy consumption and pollution caused when designing different parts
  2. Design Goal: The building will harmonize with the nature and surrounding environment
    1. Measure: Visual assessment
    2. Targets:
      1. Minimum: 1/20 of the floor area are filled with plants
      2. Target Value: 1/10 of the floor area are filled with plants, and 50% of the facade are coverd by plants
    3. Design Strategy
      1. Considering to combine the internal office area with green plants for users' pleasure
      2. Considering the physical suitability to add plants on facade when designing the outshape
  3. Design Goal: The building materials' lifecycles have minimum carbon print
    1. Measure: Analysis of the main building materials' lifecycle
    2. Targets
      1. Minimum: Avoid using unnecessary materials
      2. Target: Substituting materials with other more sustainable materials
    3. Design Strategy
      1. Try using substitute material rather than commonly used material
      2. Assuring the substitute material has similar properties and can achieve same goals as the original material does