Jordan Brinn


*note each set of changes compounds on the previous (e.g. latest envelope settings are representing in the starting point for power and lighting adjustments)

Envelope Changes


Envelope process

  • wall construction initially did not have a large impact on annual site EUI (range = 63-59 kBTU/sf/yr) —> stuck with BIM value
  • WWR: Western & Eastern = 30%, Northern = 15%, Southern = 80% (little impact between differences of latter 2)
  • Window Glass: Trp Low e for all faces
  • Window Shade: East, West 7 South = 1/4 window height, North = BIM (existent but small

Power and Lighting


Power and Lighting Process

  • Plug loads - large impact - BIM value (~1W/sf took site EUI from 51.7 tp 50.2 and decreasing that value down to 0.6 W/sf dropped the EUI down to 41.8)
  • Lighting efficiency - also large impact - chose 0.7W/sf to 0.3 W/sf (dropped EUI from 50.2 t0 35.2)
  • Daylighting and occupancy controls - having both lowered EUI by 1 kBtu/SF/yr

PV Panels


PV Panels Process

  • PV Surface Coverage = 75%
  • Panel Efficiency = 18.6%
  • Payback Period = 20 yrs (a little unclear about what factors are considered in how this value relates to the overall site EUI)