Orlando Zambrano

Feb 16, 2021 12:48 AM

I used a Wood-Frame System Strategy. I think this meets the designers intent for this project because there are a lot of wood elements near the stairs and on the facade. I dont mind about putting some Glulams columns in common rooms, but I do try to hide columns on rooms and hallways, in those cases they are hidden between walls. For the beams I also used Glulams and fot the beams system or nerves I used Plywood I-Joists, thats why I have so much between Beams.

Regarding covering floor opennings, Once in BIM 360 I noticed I missed to considered the elevator shaft. I cover it with nerves, fortunatly not with primariy beams nor columns. The solution could be a Reinforced Concrete or CLT core for the elevator, so the nerves connect there and we dont have to use more beams and columns.
