Image of My Model
So, since I am doing this class for four units, I went through the whole foray of options when it comes to panel adaptiveness and image mapping. I started with mapping an image of Jake the Dog from Adventure Time onto the panels atop my arch on my Module 3 Project. This involved me recreating the surface with uv aspects and replacing the seamless 4pt adaptive panels. From there, I used the test image and followed along with the videos to create an accurate mapped image as well as options to change the orientation (horizontal flip, vertical flip, both). Once that was settled, I applied my image instead of the test image and increased the amount of panels (being careful not to overload my computer). I then moved from there to following the steps to create an embossed or debossed image. I pretty much followed along the steps in the videos and used the Brightness aspect of the image colors to change the height of the panels accordingly. Then to add a quick change between embossed and debossed, created a code block and used list.getitems@index to give the user a choice between the two. From there, I decreased the amount of panels and moved into a new file and began to create the Sun Directness portion of the module. This was pretty simple and I used the custom panels available from the examples to make life a little simpler and went from blue to red or red to blue based on the sun directness. Then I applied this to a family type that was already present in my model, the 4pt adaptive panels with an opening, and used the sun directness values to change the frame widths which affects the size of the opening essentially (more open when the sun is farther). This concluded my project for Module 4.