Module 5

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Image of My Model

Part1: I used the Twisting Triangular Mass, which I edited to add the following constraints:

Mid_Rotation = Top_Rotation/2

Mid_Height = Top_Height/3

Twisting Triangular, top height: 700ft
Twisting Triangular, top height: 400ft

Part 2: I created a new custom mass family for a twisted cross tower. Specifically, I created a 2D mass profile in the shape of a cross, and then imported this profile in the template for the twisted tower. The cross was defined as follows:


And in the generation of the tower I have included the additional constraint t

Cross Twisting Tower Mass, top height: 750ft
Cross Twisting Tower Mass, top height: 450ft

Image of Your Results

Part 1 Results


Part 2 Results


As explained above, I created a cross twisted tower mass, which can be flexed in dynamo. The two main sets of parameter inputs that get altered in a combinatorial manner are the "Top Height" and "Top Rotation" parameters. These parameters can be switched with any of the other parameters that can be flexed (see how the mass is defined when in Revit to determine the names), such as the Base Rotation and Base Depth. It should be noted that some additional constraints are imposed on the tower design, as explained above.

The script goes over all the possible combinations of these parameters and proceeds to calculate the Gross Floor Area, the Gross Surface Area (i.e. area of building envelope), and the Gross Volume. These calculations are possible because of the way in which the tower mass is defined. For example, the mass is divided into mass floors, which allows for the Gross Floor Area calculation to occur. To calculate the Gross Volume, I had to edit the custom node BuildingForm.EvaluatePairsOfInputsAndReportMultipleResults" so that it takes a 3rd input.

The script also gives the user the option to determine the set of parameters that lead to maximum or a minimum of the Gross Floor Area, the Gross Surface Area, and the Gross Volume.
