Module 5 - Twist Tower

Image of My Model

  • Part 1

Part 2


Image of Your Results (after processing)

  • Part 1
  • Part 2


Enter a brief description of your modeling approach here...


The steps I took for dealing with Part I and Part II are similar to what we learned in our class. First of all, select building form and set up parameters. For Part I, I selected the twisting rounded triangular mass and set two parameters - "Top Height" and "Mid Height" as my inputs; For Part II, I made my new tower mass by combining the chevron building profile and rounded triangular profile and set "Top Height" and "Mid Radius" as my inputs. Then create custom node to test these inputs. Finally, export all results into Excel. For the results in Excel, I selected the combinations that satisfy our requirements, that is the gross floor area should be greater than 1200,000 SF but not more than 1500,000 SF. Then, I sorted the results from one with smallest gross surface area to largest gross surface area. Finally, I selected 12 test cases to show of each part.