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This covered pedestrian walkway is formulated by a relationship between 5 arcs with the same sweep angle but with varying radii. The tail of the structure extends into the sky molded by a sine wave along its plane as well as in the transverse direction offering a rolling structure in both directions. The panels are lined up with the ribs of the structure along its length while a 1:1 pattern of mostly covered and mostly uncovered openings is stamped along its section. The motive behind this walkway was to create a radial passage covered by a netted structure that rolls off and balances high above its occupants.
There are many parameters that can be changed for the structure:
Inner Radius, Length (Sweep Angle), Width of Walkway, Height of Walkway, Number of Ribs, Tail Height Amplification, Tail Wave Number, In-Plane Tail Wave Height Amplification, Transverse Tail Wave Amplification, Number of Panels along Length, Number of Panels along Section, Percent Panel Coverage of Even Rows in Both Directions, and Percent Panel Coverage of Odd Rows in Both Directions