Revit Model:
Image Alongside Revit Model Image:
The Script:
About the Design Process:
This was a continuation of module three’s module. This task asked for us to attach an image onto the plane or arch we made last week and I chose to add a beautiful artwork piece of some futuristic island. I thought this image portrayed the colors really nicely and so I decided to map my color scheme to it. A color range was applied later on so that the light colors (10) would really pop, and the dark colors (1) would be lower planes. Once the image was on my design I set up some multiple choice questions so that if the user wanted to flip the design in a way they’d like, they could. I am sure there is a way to add a library of some sort later on, because I thought about - what if there was a model with a lot of information; how would you find your target inputs in a sea of info?
In the end the parameters for height of the panels were added. Every panel had its own height (according to the colors) and the sources of data controlled how far or low the panels were according to that scale. The colors have numerical values associated with them. Dynamo reads more on the mathematical side, and it can easily assort, or apply a mathematical equation to the colors to give them that “pop” in the panel heights by the user inputting information.