Troubleshooting: LunchBox Won't Load on My Computer

If you're having trouble loading LunchBox for Dynamo onto your computer, we've got good news -- I think that we've finally tracked down the true cause of the problem and have a fix.The problem is that when we do a simple copy of the files in the LunchBox for Dynamo folder in Windows Explorer, Windows is flagging the .dll files in the package as a security risk and "blocking" them, which prevents Dynamo from loading the files. 

You can check to see if this is creating the problem by:

  • Opening Dynamo
  • Open VIew > Show Console
  • Then scroll down thru the console log to look for a message indicating that one of the components needed for LunchBox for Dynamo cannot be loaded. It typically fails on the first .dll file, which is named Accord.dll.

Here's how to fix the problem (if LunchBox for Dynamo won't load on your computer):

  • Close Dynamo and the Revit application
  • Use Windows Explorer to navigate to c:\Users\yourName\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.6\packages\LunchBox for Dynamo\bin
  • Right-click on each of the .dll files in this folder (one at a time), and open the Properties for the file
  • Look for a message at the bottom of the General tab in this dialog that talks about files being copied from another computer and click on the "Unblock" checkbox.
  • Repeat this for each of the .dll files in the folder

When you restart the Revit application and Dynamo, LunchBox should now appear in the Library window.