Louisa Gan

Model Geometry:


Modeling Approach:

  1. I created a square grid and used integer sliders to help me adjust the dimensions. The grid points were used as the base points for the cylinders.
  2. I created a point to represent the pebble.
  3. A sine function was used to calculate the heights of the cylinders, and distances between the pebble and grid points were inputs for the function. An amplification factor and an offset value were used to make sure that the sine waves were in a reasonable scale, and their values were always above zero. A damping factor was used to simulate the diminishing effect of the sine waves.
  4. I created another set of points, using the height values calculated in the previous step as the z-coordinate values. This set of points were located above the base points.
  5. The cylinders were ready to be created.
  6. Cylinders were used as the Revit elements. Bases of the cylinders were located at the grid points, and heights of the cylinders were the same as calculated in step 3.
  7. I played around with the colors and the adjustment factors to make the plot look better. The Revit element’s color was overridden in Dynamo.

*I wonder why sometimes Revit elements’ color could not be overridden correctly or could only be partially overridden if there is no element previously existed in the Revit file or the grid size is increased to a larger scale. If that happens, please run Dynamo again. By running it twice, the color overriding issue should be fixed.