Final Model Geometry
Modeling Approach
The base structure of this model was previously done in Module 3 and the main modeling approach for this was to create the surface based on the base structure points. To do so, I used Surface By Loft that took in the list of base geometries to create the surface, and run it into another node to extract points U and V that could be used to vary the number of panels in the U and V directions.
The next step was to map the colors from an image file to the adaptive panels of the model.
This is the image file chosen:
The image file is then read using Image.ReadFromFile, and the colors are extracted using the node Image.Pixels. This node also takes in the number of panels in the U and V direction. Once the list of colors are obtained (after incorporating the ability to vary, flip and mirror the color distribution), it is flattened and mapped to the individual adaptive panels using the Override Element Color in View node as shown below.
Parameters for parametric flexibility
As mentioned above, the integer sliders were created so that the number of panels in the U and V direction can be varied. The images below show the model after increasing the number of panels in the U direction.
The thickness can also be changed using the following instance parameter to change the Height of the panels.
The images below show the model with varied thickness:
Finally, in order to allow varied color distribution, ad the mirroring and flipping of images, I created different lists of colors, after a series of reversing the list and transposing the list. This allows for a various combinations of color distribution on the exterior panels of the shelter.
Here is an example of one of the color distribution variations.
It was really fun playing around with the color distributions in the modeling assignment! I am so glad we were able to do so, because the default color scheme in Revit is limited.