Practice Exercise: Linking Revit Models

Practice Exercise: Linking Revit Models

✏️Practice Exercise: Linking Revit Models (1)

1. Download the Revit model files for this exercise here:

2. Open the Revit application.

3. Open the Revit application menu and choose Open>Project, then navigate to the folder containing the exercise files.

4. Open this Revit model file: MixedUse-Architectural.rvt

5. Open the Site floor plan

6. Close the Mixed Use-Architectural project.

7. Open this Revit model file: Site-Model.rvt

8. Link the architectural model to this Site model:

9. Exit the Site-Model.rvt file and open the Mixed Use-Architectural project.

10. Repeat the steps provided under point 8, but this time link the structural model.

11. As a part of this exercise, take a screenshot of both the architectural and structural views and save them.