Sreethu - Module 4

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Module 4 - Rise or Shine

Screenshots of final results

  • Image mapping:
  • Sun response:

Model Approach:

The surface of lotus petals and sepals are created in the same as discussed in :

Steps for Image Mapping:

  • Implementation of above steps in dynamo:
  • Later Surface.PointAtParameter is used to panelize the surface
  • Adaptive components of rectangular seamless panels are created using the Quad from Rectangular Grid function
  • This image is used to map on the surface of the lotus:
  • As discussed in the module videos, the above image is first split in to pixels using Image.AtPixels with number of pixels equal to total number of panels and the color of each pixel is projected onto each panel.
  • There are two flexible options in the dynamo: one we can transpose the image data and two we can flip the image data as desired
  • To get different color on each petal and sepal we need to first transpose the image data (1) and then flip vertically (1)
  • The element parameters (Height in this example) can be manipulated to create a embossed or debossed effect a base height is set to which a color_factor*scaling_factor (value that changes according to the color of the panel) is added or subtracted based on user’s choice
  • The element parameters (Height in this example) can also be changed based on hue value or brightness value and to create a embossed or debossed effect user has the flexibility to choose whether to flip or not
  • When the above procedure is follow, the image mapping on the lotus surface looks like as shown here.
  • This mismatch of colors is because the petal and sepal surfaces are drawn by making half of their surfaces and then mirroring them along XZ plane, the two half halves need to be grouped so that a single petal and sepal can display a part of the image consistently
  • The numbering of the actual and mirroring surfaces are as shown in the below figure. Now our goal is to combine the two halves (region between two consecutive orange boundaries).
  • So we rearrange the list of mirrored surfaces with every item in a reverse order except for the first one. This way both halves have the same color
  • image
  • Dynamo implementation of above steps
  • Correct image mapping:
  • As you can see half of sepal surfaces grow in one direction and other half in opposite direction. And heights of panels in different sepals are different. This way user has control over whether to the heights and direction of growth of panels

Steps for finding the response of panels to sun

  • As discussed in the module videos, sun directness value on panels is first calculated by finding the normal vectors then performing dot products with the vector that points towards the sun from the panel (the dot product values are then scaled)
  • Custom node is used for computing sun directness:
  • Custom node is used for changing appearances based on sun directness value:
  • Custom node is used for setting parameters based on sun directness value:
  • Using the scaled sun directness values, the appearances and parameters of the panels can be changed

The following parameters can be easily controlled:

All the parameters discussed in Module 3

Number of panels on surface (u-v)

Image flipping condition for mapping on panel surface

Embossed and debossed effect

Appearance (Color level) of panels based on sun directness value

Parameters of panels based on sun directness value