Assignment: Evaluate Your Alternatives | Due Fri, May 19

Assignment: Evaluate Your Alternatives | Due Fri, May 19



In this assignment, you’ll build upon your work for the Module 5 Assignment -- recommending a proposed design to the developers of a new high-rise building project in San Francisco based on your evaluation of potential building forms.

This project will be located in San Francisco, near the new Transbay Terminal at 200 Folsom Street, in a rapidly-growing area of the city with a good view of the waterfront and the Bay Bridge.

Design Brief Recap


Creating Evaluation Metrics — What Makes a Building Form “Better” and How Can We Measure It?


Steps to Complete

For 2 Units

For 3 Units

For 4 Units


  • Please create a folder named “Module 6” within your personal folder in our Autodesk Construction Cloud project.
  • Then, upload these items to your Module 6 folder using the web interface:
    • If you completed Part 1 (for 2 units) or Part 2 (for 3 or 4 units) of the assignment using Revit and Dynamo, please upload:
      • Your Revit project (.RVT) file
      • 💡
        Please the following naming convention for your uploaded files: "#ofUnits_NameAndLastName_Module#".  For example: 4units_DanielDiaz_Module6.rvt
      • Your conceptual mass family (if you used one)
      • Your Dynamo Graph (.DYN) files
      • Any supporting custom nodes that you used or created
    • If you completed Part 2 of the assignment using Grasshopper, please upload:
      • Your Rhino project (.3DM) file
      • Your Grasshopper Graph (.GH) file
    • Also upload the summary tables (created in Word, Excel, Google Sheets, or any data table tool) showing the input values tested and the values computed for each of the reported parameters.
  • Create a link to your Module 6 folder:
    • Right-click on the Module 6 folder in the file tree (at the left side of the interface) and choose Share from the pull-down menu.
    • Choose Share with Project Members, then switch to the Link tab.
    • Click the Copy button to copy the link to your clipboard.
  • Create a new posting on this Notion page — Design Journal Entry: Evaluate Your Alternatives — including:
    • Images/screenshots showing:
      1. your original building form
      2. the recommended building form based on your evaluation and analysis
    • Images showing the node logic in your new evaluator nodes
    • Images/screenshots or links to your the summary tables (created in Word, Excel, Google Sheets, or any data table tool) showing the input values tested and the values computed for each of the reported parameters
    • Brief descriptions outlining:
      • Your Single-Objective Optimization scheme (combination/comparison/ranking approach)
      • An explanation of why you consider the recommended building form to be the “best” choice