Nicholas Hughan


Part I: Grid System

The project was initiated with the establishment of the grid system using number sliders for the axis parameters for the basis of the grid for the pond. For the grid logic, code blocks were used to feed into the Point.ByCoordinates before being flattened into the point.x, point.y, and point.z. In the Point.ByCoordinates, the lacing is Cross Product.


Part II. Pebbles

Two number sliders (one x and one y)were applied for each of pebble that feeds into the Point.ByCoordinates system.

Part III. Distance between Cyclinders

The Point.ByCoordinates for the peoples and flatten list of bottom points (Grid System) feed into the Geometry.DistanceTo nodes, for each pebble. Two number sliders were applied for each pebble (Number of waves, Amplitude) that feed into one Code Block before being feed into part IV.


Part IV. Simulation Affect of dropping two Pebbles

The two code blocks for the two pebbles in Part III and point.Z of part I fed into Part IV which itself a Code.Block. This Code.Block included variables such as z, var1, distance1, var2, distance2.

Part V. Cylinder Creation:

From the Point.X, Point.Y, Point.Z in Part I and the output of Part IV, fees into a Point.ByCoordination that itself feeds into a Cylinder.ByPointsRadius. This Cylinder.ByPointsRadius has a startPoint (which is fed by Flatten List of Bottom pieces in Part I), endPoint (fed by Point.ByCoordinates), and radius (fed by a numberslide for cylinder radius).


Part VI. Geometry Revit Scale

To Account for scale adjustment between Dynamo and Revit, a scale factor was applied at the end to encompass the whole project.
