Different Views of triangular circular building with the sun.
Dynamo file overview for Module 6 for the 4 unit model
Step 1A: Start with the selection of the Revit Model (similar to the one used in Module 5.1), with two code boxes used for parameters “Top Height”, “Mid Rotation”, “Gross Floor Area”, “Gross Surface Area”, and “Gross Volume”. The third code box feeds directly into step two for the low and highest construction costs per square foot basis, the height of the highest level that is measured in the excel spreadsheet, and the individual level heights (in order).
Step 1B: Use of SunSettings nodes including SunSettings.Current, SunSettings.StartDateTime, SunSettings.EndDateTime, which feeds into the TimeStudy.FromStartTimeToEndTime. The location is determined on the Revit file. All the outputs in step 1B feeds directly into Step 2, shown below. The electrical price per kilowatt-hour is added in Step 1B which feeds an output column shown in the End Results (shown in this notion article after Step 5).
Step 2: A custom node was applied from the class file to compile the data which serves as the heart of this dynamo file. This also played a role in the input nodes.
Step 3: Element.SetParameters and Family Types (for selecting the finish of the building) were organized to help assist with data organization and Revit visualization respectfully. The code box is an input point where users can enter the max height being analyzed of the building and the max rotation of the building. The zoomed in view of the building with the exterior paneling is shown below Step 3 dynamo.
Step 4: To assist in panelizing the surface of the building, the sizes of the building were divided into U+V coordinates (code box) that feeds into a Panel.PanelQuad (panelizes the surface of the building), with color input provided as an option. Element.OverrideColorInView and Panels.ComputeSunDirectness assist in the final output of the revit file visually.
Step 5: From Step 2, the data is fed into exporting to a predetermined excel spreadsheet. A List.CartesianProduct node is used, with two lists (building height values (starting from 200 feet to 250 feet increments of 10 feet)) and top rotation values from the height predetermined to be analyzed (from 45 degrees to 90, increments of 15). These are the outputs that feed directly into the Excel spreadsheet and cause the different hypothetical situations showing up in the first two columns of the spreadsheet. These are the input variables that affect the output variables (Gross Floor Area, Surface Area, Gross Volume, Construction Cost, and Electricity Cost).
End Result: The data from the dynamo file and the Revit file is shown below, which includes the construction and electricity costs for the floors selected.