In this Notion journal entry, the entry is divided into three (3) parts
Part I: Dynamo Description
Part II: How to use Dynamo File Guide
Part III: Recorded Video:
Part I: the DuEll Dynamo file Description
Screenshot 1 (above): Dynamo file Overview
Screenshot 2 (above): Dynamo Dumbell End Result file
Screenshot 3 (above): Input nodes (radius of handle and dumbbells radius).
Screenshot 4 (above): Takes the parametric input from screenshot 3 and creates the geometric shape of the dumbbells through two Cylinder.ByRadiusHeight nodes, a Geometry.Translate node, with List Create and Solidified by Solid.ByUnion node.
Screenshot 5 (above): Chamfers were added to the dynamo file via Solid.Fillet nodes create flat edges on the weight circular surface to prevent the dumbbell from rolling like a wheel.
Screenshot 6 (above): Solid.Volume and Solid.Area determines the actual volume and surface area of the dumbbell based on the parametric inputs, with math.rounds to round the numbers.
Screenshot 7 (above): Two levels of Dynamo Outputs via two watch nodes used to express the volume and surface area in cubic centimeters (cm^3) and square centimeters (cm^2) respectively.
That is how the dynamo file was generally created.
Part II: How to use the Duell Dynamo File Guide
- DuEll comes from the word DumbEll, Du, and Ell to create DuEll, play on words of Duel weights.
The end user of the Duell Dumbbell dynamo file would use number slider nodes to change the radius and depth of both the weights and the handle. There is also a Color Palette node to change the color of the exterior of the dumbbell based on the market research provides or what is the most economical to widely manufacture. The file was set to default at the file on the left below but can be adjusted to any combination, including the longer DuEll dumbbell on the right. Outside of the inputs, that is all that the user needs to change or do to view their DuEll dumbbell results in terms of Revit, Surface Area, Volume, and cost. Note: The cost per cm^3 node is based on the final material cost including all transportation and taxes of such materials used to create the dumbbell.
Part III: Duell Dumbell Dynamo File Video
Click below to watch…..