- Download the Revit model files for this exercise here:
- Open the Revit application.
- Open the Revit application menu and choose Open>Project, then navigate to the folder containing the exercise files.
- Open this Revit model file: MixedUse-Architectural.rvt
- Close the Mixed Use-Architectural project.
- Open this Revit model file: MixedUse-Structural.rvt
- Link the architectural model to this structural model:
- Switch to the Insert tab in the ribbon near the top of the Revit window and open the Link Revit tool.
- Navigate to the folder containing the testing files.
- Select the MixedUse-Architectural project file.
- Choose the Auto - Origin to Origin positioning option.
- Click Open.
- If the linked files are not aligned properly, you may have selected another positioning option. If this has happened, you can remove the current link:
- Switch to the Manage tab in the ribbon and open the Manage Links tool.
- Select the MixedUse-Architectural project file from the list of links.
- Click the Remove button.
- Then, relink the architectural model using the Auto - Origin to Origin option.
- Open the 3D View: View 1 - Architectural.
- Open the Level 3 - Architectural floor plan view.
- Save a screen shot of this view to upload as the submission for this exercise.
Exercise Files: Linking Revit Models
In this model, you can edit any of the architectural elements in the main model. You can also view (but not edit) the structural elements in the linked model.
In this view, you can edit any of the structural elements in the main model. You can also see (but not edit) the architectural elements in the linked model.
Look for a message to confirm your success.
Brianny Martinez
Bhagya Devnani
Tai Anthony McMillan
Mariela Santelices
Lainy Ross
Riley Burke
Daniel Diaz Salgado
Veronica Hernandez
Sample Student
Edward Chen
Donatien Delmon
Carmen Chen
Alessandro Kerr
Meera Rao
Kimberly Juarez-Rico
Lena Bakalian
Anthony Villalobos
Sage Crosby
CJ Price
Srećko Ćurković
Melissa Lopez
Gabriel Lipkowitz
Dulce’Celeste Martinez
Catherine Nguyen
Melanie Porras
Marcella Li