Design Journal Entry - Module 5

Stage1 Part1

  • Images/screenshots showing two variations of the input parameters for:
    • your flexing and testing one of the provided example building forms
    • image
    • your flexing and testing your new, original building form
  • Images/screenshots showing two variations of the input parameters for your new building form created with Dynamo or grasshopper

For stage1, part1. After finishing the whole stage, I still not sure or clear about the setting of the project location. It seems not used in this assignment. So I just assume it will be used in future. The part1 is pretty straightforward. I used provided template and change the parameters to evaluate Gross Floor Area, Gross Surface Area, and Gross Volume. The height, radius, and rotation of each level can be changed freely. For convience, some of the parameters are set to associated with other parameters.

And part2 is much more complex. Initially I create an octangle and put it at 3 levels. I can change the parameter in the revit, and furthermore to change them iteratively in dynamo. The height, rotation, and baselength can be changed freely. And by using the same method in part1, the output is calculated and recored in excel.

For part3, I create a custom node to build a solid defined by desired input. And use the same method we can calculate and record the results. The interesting part is the custom node building. It makes the power of parameters much more clear and simplify the process into one node. The 2 sets of test result is shown above.