Jonathan Alvarez

Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Your Name as the Card title
  • The link to your Module 2 folder in our Autodesk Construction Cloud project

Please also type the first few letters of your first name into the Link to Student field, then hover over your name from the list of matching records and click the plus sign to link this entry to your Design Journal.

Do not add any new properties.


My modeling approach for “A Walk in the Park” was to be able to visualize the wave as ground, with a flat enough peak to promote sitting on for a picnic. I didn’t want it to be overly busy.


My modeling approach for “Eliminate the Echo” was to generate something visually stimulating by increasing the amplitude and having a bigger contrast for the peaks and valleys of the sine wave.


My modeling approach for the “Happy Facade” was originally to play with the number of waves and amplitude until I saw a pattern that I was happy with, but on a small wall the holes get too busy and close in proximity. I decided to instead keep it simple and focus on changing the amplitude to bring attention to the epicenters of the attractor points.

Please include a brief overview of each of the models you’ve created. Each project overview should include:
  • A screenshot of your finished model geometry
    • Walk in the Park - an image of the Dynamo geometry
    • Eliminate the Echo - an image of the Rhino geometry
    • Happy Facade - an image of the Revit wall
  • A few sentences describing your modeling approach
  • The link to your Module 2 folder in our Autodesk Construction Cloud project.