Michaella Park - Module 4

Rise and Shine - Part 1


For part 1 of rise and shine, I started off by modeling an arc by using an arc with inputs of start angle, end angle, and radius. I made the start angle range from 0 to 89 and 90 to 360 to prevent the start and end angle to be the same. You can adjust the radius and the height of the extrusion to produce the wall. I also added a “resolution factor” slider to change the number of blocks. For example, if a 10’ length and 10’ height wall had a resolution factor of 1, one block would be 1’x1’. If a wall had a resolution factor of 2, one block would be 2’x2’.

ex: angle:100, radius:10, height: 10, resolution factor: 1


ex: angle:100, radius:10, height: 10, resolution factor: 2


Rise and Shine Part 2


For this wall, I took a similar process of creating a sine wave, extruding the curve as a surface, and panelizing the surface. The first screenshot is a wall with a wave amplification of 0 so it can be flat and show the variation in the height of the bricks. The second screenshot has a number of waves setting of 3. I used an Anni Albers print to test out the variations of brightness of each panel. You can adjust the height of the wall, length, number of waves, amplitude of the wave.
