Nini Giorgadze - Module

Stage 2

I adhered to the guidelines provided, opting not to utilize Revit mass floors and starting from scratch rather than continuing from my fifth assignment. Following the approach outlined in Stage 2 of Module 5, I meticulously recreated the building form, focusing on an elliptical shape with 16 defined points. The parameters I allowed for variation included base/mid/top radius, mid/top rotations, top/mid heights, the ratio of x and y for the ellipse, and the height of each storey.


With a goal of optimizing the building design for maximum benefit, I developed two evaluation metrics. The first metric centered on the construction cost of the building. Departing from a linear pricing model, I opted for a quadratic dependence to better capture the relationship between building height and construction expenses. By conducting a quadratic fitting analysis using maximum and minimum prices at the bottom and top levels, I derived parameters for the quadratic model.

I used the following formula:

Pricesqft.window=200+100×e0.1×hPrice_{\text{sqft.window}} = 200 + 100 \times e^{0.1 \times \sqrt{h}}

In this formula:

  • Pricesqft.windowPrice_{\text{sqft.window}}represents the price per square foot of window surface.
  • h represents the height of the floor.

Visual Representation of Price Dependence of sqft Window on height:


For the second evaluation metric, I focused on potential profit. Recognizing that higher floors typically command higher values due to better views, I devised a formula to adjust the price of square feet (SQFT) as the building ascends. This involved calculating the window surface area for each floor and applying an exponential increase in pricing. To compute the window area, I generated curves for each floor and created surfaces to determine the surface area. Multiplying the area for each floor by the price ratio specific to that floor yielded the potential profit metric.

By meticulously implementing these evaluation metrics, I aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the building form alternatives, enabling informed decision-making for the high-rise project in Dubai.

Costum Node:




Points to Ponder:

Do the new evaluation metrics that you’ve designed capture the meaningful differences between the building form alternatives?

The evaluation metrics I developed effectively capture the nuanced differences between building form alternatives. By incorporating factors such as construction cost and potential profit, my metrics provide a comprehensive assessment of each design's viability. The quadratic dependence for construction cost allows for a more accurate representation of the relationship between building height and expenses, providing valuable insights into cost optimization strategies. Similarly, the consideration of window area as a proxy for profit acknowledges the significance of views and natural light in determining the value of each floor. Overall, these metrics offer a nuanced understanding of the trade-offs involved in different building configurations, aiding decision-making processes for the high-rise project.

What other metrics would be useful to compute to help understand and make the case for which alternatives are truly better than others?

In addition to construction cost and potential profit, another useful metric would be the building's energy efficiency and sustainability profile. Calculating metrics such as energy consumption, carbon footprint, and potential for renewable energy generation (e.g., through solar panels) could provide valuable insights into the long-term environmental and economic sustainability of each building form. For instance, quantifying the energy generation potential of the building's surface area through solar panel installation could highlight opportunities for reducing operational costs and minimizing environmental impact. While I encountered challenges with downloading the solar analysis package, exploring these metrics could further enrich the evaluation process and help identify the most advantageous building form alternative.

Stage 3

Point to Ponder:

What propelled the recommended alternative to the top of the list?

Explanation: The recommended alternative rose to the top of the list due to its exceptional profitability, strategically derived from two closely interlinked evaluation metrics. Crafting a building that optimizes both cost efficiency and value generation, I centered my analysis on profit as the ultimate determinant of success.

To develop a robust profit model, I meticulously assessed two fundamental quantities: building cost and the value attributed to window area. Leveraging Dynamo's dynamic capabilities, I computed the overall cost, factoring in a nuanced pricing structure. By adopting a quadratic relationship between floor height and square footage cost, I ensured a realistic representation of construction expenses. Moreover, I introduced an exponential increase in window value with height, capturing the added prestige and functionality of elevated views.

Are there important nuances or tradeoffs that got lost in the single evaluation?

Analysis: Delving deeper into the data, I meticulously examined the nuances underlying the selected alternatives. Notably, height emerged as a pivotal driver of profitability, with taller structures yielding significantly higher returns. This correlation underscores the premium placed on verticality in urban development, where panoramic vistas command a premium.

Additionally, the influence of building rotation on profitability unveils a subtle interplay between form and function. While increased rotation generally corresponds to augmented window surface area and thus, enhanced value, the relationship is nuanced. Optimal rotations, such as 0°, 20°, and 40°, outshine their counterparts, maximizing both visual appeal and financial viability.

In conclusion, by synthesizing multifaceted evaluation metrics and meticulously analyzing their implications, the recommended alternative not only excels in cost-effectiveness but also embodies a strategic fusion of architectural innovation and commercial pragmatism.


As you see the building with he height of 740 feet and Mid Rotation of 0 degrees is the best alternative as we have the highest profit after calculating is with Base Price - Cost - Window Value

My Challenge

I encountered difficulties installing Solar Analysis in Dynamo on my laptop, which unfortunately hindered my ability to develop any custom nodes related to the solar potential of the building.