Tai Anthony McMillan

Hello everyone!

  • Your educational background
    • B.S. Environmental Systems Engineering
      • Did my undergrad here at Stanny🙂
    • (Current) M.S. Civil Engineering - Sustainable Design and Construciton (SUS track)
      • It truly is the “SUS” track haha because there were no courses offered in the tracks’ main course category in the entirety of the fall quarter!!
  • Any industry experience
    • Fortunate to have had some cool internships throughout the summers and also took a year off during covid wherein I worked they whole year in the AEC industry.
    • Feel free to check out my LinkedIn for more details:
  • Why you're interested in this course
    • Ispired by the natural world, parametric design opens the door to a whole nother level of biomimicry and being able to design sustainble buildings.
  • Your goals for the course
    • Feel confident with the use of Rhino and Grasshopper to be able to take with me in future work and academic pursuits