Who Did You Interview?
- Mom
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- Female
- Working
- Middle-Aged
Key Findings from the Interview
What are you looking for in a living space?
- Large common area for gatherings
- Open-air, lots of windows
- Indoor/outdoor feeling
What do you use spaces for?
- Eating
- Cooking
- Entertainment
If you were living in a small house what are must haves?
- Kitchen
- Laundry
- 1 bedroom is enough (but with a loft or living space with pull out bed)
- Spacious living space
What would you change about current spaces?
- More private space
- Large kitchen
- Open without feeling small
How often do you reside in a space
- Very often , all the time
What makes a house/space attractive?
- Openness
- Bright light
- Light colors
- Modern, minimalistic (less is mire)"