Who Did You Interview?
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- 19 years old
- Recently moved out of home
- Studying Environmental Science at Uni
Key Findings from the Interview
- What are your thoughts regarding how people are using water these days?
- people are aware of water issues, but not everyone is taking action.
- it's not just the amount you use but what you use it for and where it goes.
- repurposing water
- What actions have you done to have a more sustainable use of water?
- shorten shower time, once of day
- Rain water tank at parents place,
- Fill up kettle with the water before it gets hot for washing dishes
- wearing hemp clothing - less water used in process
- How would you like to see sustainable uses of water in the future?
- more rain water tanks in developed areas,
- less sprinkler use
- repurposing of waste water
- development of products that use less water to make/produce.