Who Did You Interview?
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- 57 years old
- School teacher
- Lives in a small town and grew up in a farming community
Key Findings from the Interview
- What are your thoughts regarding how people are using water these days?
- people are getting better - switching to water saving devices
- still probably using a bit too much water
- gardening - lawns use a lot of water, should embrace more native gardens
- rainwater usage for gardens - change law so you can drink from rainwater tanks
- What actions have you done to have a more sustainable use of water?
- dual-flush toilet
- rainwater tank
- fill up dishwasher completely before uses
- mulches the garden beds/has plants in pots
- How would you like to foster more sustainable uses of water in the future?
- add water tanks on houses
- make sure there is still lots of bushland
- making some water-saving devices (toilets, showerhead) mandatory
- reduce sizes on lawns/ have more gardening beds.