
Our Testing Plan

Testing Priorities

What product features will be most helpful to get feedback on?

  • Easy to use
  • Fun monetary rewards
  • Water Proof
  • Affordable pricing

Testing Strategy

What is the best way for us to get useful feedback for each of these features? What does a useful feedback look like?

Easy to use
Fun monetary rewards
Easily accessible
Affordable pricing


Testing #1

  • the design looks good,
  • suggestion: app set a certain value, alarm/sound when going over the value
  • showing versatility is great
  • work differently for different water sources (eg tap or showerhead),
  • app home page and usability
  • size on the facet looks big, the showerhead is fine
  • the interface looks good,
  • the aesthetic (facet mostly)
  • it would be an incentive on its own
  • attachment to the showerhead and facet - suit different ones
  • the user might not familiar with optimal water usage.

Team B

  • make sure you know how to create a smart system to measure the water going through the sink. figure out the specific tech. how do water gauges work, figure out the tech on how it gets to your phone and how the app senses this
  • less than $100
  • like how its gathering monetary data - good incentive. would wanna know how much money saved from what? is it last week? need a comparison
  • the little diles on the side. depending on how large or small the water system is, need to make it bigger or smaller. or there's those screws that adjust how tight or loose you screw it on - as you turn the daile as you turn the knob it turns the whole device smaller
  • would use it, but there are people who don't. need to look into how much money they're going to save. if it is something you need to replace, by buying the device itself u might be spending more than you're saving.

Yi Lin

  • curious is it waterproof? —> think to add another feature
  • how to overcome if the internet is not strong enough? closer to the bathroom you need a wifi transmitter to make the wifi coverage strong/wide enough. could affect data collect from users
  • like how it is small, easy to implement and detach. like the design.
  • depends on the amount of money you can save. if use our product,save up money and environment —> if the cost is competitive enough. ex: after one year of using the product, you will make the money back by investing in this device
  • IoT relies on strong and stable internet
  • concern - how can we connect it and bring it into our daily life ex: smart water meter for any anomaly in the water. can think about more of how IoT is used in daily life, when connecting more data can use machine learning or AI to predict water consumption and help user use mater for efficiently


  • concern: would it fit into different sizes? can you take it with you to your summer house and use it there? circular buttons on the side is how it can adjust.
  • is it more about limiting/regulate/monitor - ex: if using in shower cant be using phone, so need feedback from the device
  • can see myself using it, like the feature, don't know if it continuously use it. would like it more if there's a limit to the water, ex: it slowly slows down, would probably get tired of the alarm. cool to have the device/ipad in the wall

Testing #2