Jun 23, 2021 8:25 PM
Submitted By
Cecelia Chesapeake Beringer
Property 4
Property 5
Who Did You Interview
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- For example
- Younger, 15
- High school student
- Suburbs
Key Findings from the Interview
- When it comes to sustainability
- What do they care most about?
- What are they doing now?
- What would they like to be able to do?
- Any reservations / concerns about sustainability?
They care most about the small actions that she takes today that will build up into the situation of the future
Right now she is taking small actions, like using paper straws and biking when she can to be more sustainable
She would like to have a bigger impact and be able to influence other people to take sustainability more seriously.
She has concerns with how the current state of sustainability its right now, and where it seems to be heading.