
How might we... [for POV 2]?

Copy and paste your POV statement here...

[Ann] needs [to learn more about sustainability and environmental science] because [this is something that she wants to learn more about and was not taught in her country]

Ideate to come up with questions that might seed your team's creative thinking about divergent strategies for meeting this need. The point here is to get you thinking about the widest range of potential strategies before converging on a specific strategy and exploring it in detail. Check out these Tips for examples to help you get started.

To address this need:

  • How might we make the product sustainable while she learns about sustainability?
  • How might we bring lectures up to her that was not taught in her country?
  • How might we...
  • How might we...
  • How might we...
  • How might we...
  • How might we...
  • How might we...
  • How might we...