
How might we... [Overworked Nurse]?

Copy and paste your POV statement here...

[Over-worked Nurse] needs [a time efficient product] because [they have multiple tasks and processes to keep track of on a daily basis that need to be sanitary and effortless].

Ideate to come up with questions that might seed your team's creative thinking about divergent strategies for meeting this need. The point here is to get you thinking about the widest range of potential strategies before converging on a specific strategy and exploring it in detail. Check out these Tips for examples to help you get started.

To address this need:

  • How might we make an almost completely self-reliant device?
  • How might we take nurse out of the sanitation equation?
  • How might we create a multi-function machine to improve time efficiency?
  • How might we a create an intuitive product that can be operated when nurses are sleep deprived?
  • How might we create something that sterilizes medical tools quickly?
  • How might we use the excess of medical tools in a hospital to eliminate the downtime between sanitizing tools and available tools?
  • How might we the sanitizing device like a drive through car wash?
  • How might we improve patient comfort?
  • How might we improve sustainability of paper products in the medical field?