Who Did You Interview?
- Neighbor
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- Higher socioeconomic status
- Middle aged
- Doctor
Key Findings from the Interview
How can hospitals be more sustainable?
- Depends on the field and department you are focusing on so make sure to narrow in on that
- Waste is huge, this can be regarding cafeterias, surgical rooms, and even non surgical room. Consider: antibiotics which is huge, gauzes, biochemical waste, body parts, opioids, gloves (nitrile gloves - latex is not used anymore), needles tools tubes and cleaning solutions
- Sterilizing products in a sustainable way is a challenge because it needs to be safe (prions, bacteria, viruses)
- Usually bring in third parties for sterilization
- cleaning, disinfecting, autoclave, sterilized
- No separate bin more recycling
What concerns if any do you have with implementing sustainable products
- Making sure things are clean, and killing harmful bacteria
- Patient safety is number one
- Important that no matter what even if it is the most sustainable if it is not time effective and easy to use it will not be good
- time is of the essence in a hospital, everything is on the clock
What are key features in a sustainable product for hospitals?
- Number 1: patient safety
- Number 2: Efficiency (use and time)
- Number 3: Cost effective