Design Project 1 | POV Statements

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - POV Statements

Point of View Statements

Point of View Statement 1

Reilly needs sustainable household efforts that help reduce her water waste easily because she doesn’t want to change her lifestyle much.

Point of View Statement 2

Reed needs a way of changing the mindsets of people toward less water wastage in industrial areas because he thinks people care less when the water isn’t from their homes.

Point of View Statement 3

Sarah needs a large-scale water conservation effort to be organized because she believes the current efforts have little to no positive impact on the earth.

Point of View Statement 4

John needs an agricultural water sustainability device because he wants to help rural areas get access to an ample water supply.

Selected Point of View Statement

You’ll select the Point of View statement that you’ll carry forward to inspire and guide your design work after our next class meeting on Mon, Jul 3.