Design Project 1 | Composite Character Profiles

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles


  • Empowered woman, 30 yrs young
  • Optimistic, eager, but lazy to act and bogged down by complexity
  • Precision focussed - wants things to work, and work well. Wants fancier, high quality things


  • Passive male, late 30’s
  • Realist with pessimistic tendencies - why? what good? what for?
  • Rational, deliberate user who understands value whether tangible or intangible


  • Dynamic and active woman, 30 yrs young
  • Driven more monetarily, less ethically
  • Optimist realist, energy/ sustainability less of a focus


  • 26 yrs young, good technical horsepower
  • Laggard in personality type - late to adopt, early to pushback
  • Proactive in sustainability efforts. Wants to aggressively lower emissions.