Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
33 years old
PhD student at Stanford
originally from Congo
Not married, no children
Key Findings from the Interview
How often do you buy clothes? (For yourselves and/or for others, like kids or older people?) changing – usually once per 3 months
What makes you want to buy new clothes? (peers, social media, etc.) only buy clothes when I need, usually stick to the same brands.
Are there any time in your life when you want to save money on clothes? (Describe if comfortable?) Usually tries to spend as little as possible on clothes, as long as they are comfortable and look decent
Where and how do you usually go shopping for clothes? Only shop online – if new brand – buys a couple of sizes based on measurements
Do you have experience with secondhand shopping? Never bought second hand clothes, said that he just never thought about it.
How do you take care of clothes that you don’t wear anymore? Just throw them away
Do you have any experience with selling your clothes in second-hand markets? No
What habits would you like to work on when it comes to your consumption habits? Nothing worth mentioning