

Who Did You Interview?

  • PJ

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • male
  • 24 years old
  • international student from India
  • thrifts occasionally
  • minimalist

Key Findings from the Interview

  • Finding 1
  • How often do you buy clothes? (To understand: buying clothes for themselves and/or for others, like kids or older people?)
    • Once or twice a year
  • What makes you want to buy new clothes? (Possible answers: peers, social media, etc.)
    • Seasonal changes, an event for when you don’t have clothes
    • Trends don’t influence him, he doesn’t care about them
    • Has his own personal style that he stick to
  • Are there any time in your life when you want to save money on clothes? (Describe if comfortable?)
    • Does not overspend on clothes
  • Where and how do you usually go shopping for clothes? 50/50 in person + online
  • Finding 2
  • Tell me about your most recent experience buying clothes?
    • Bought clothes to wear for a party
    • Bought casual wear shoes, good material and much cheaper
  • Finding 3
  • Do you have experience with secondhand shopping?
    • yes, will always choose thrifting because feels less guilty buying something
  • How do you take care of clothes that you don’t wear anymore?
    • Pass clothes onto younger people
    • Use old non wearable clothes as cleaning rags
    • Donate to houseworkers, children, or family
    • Do not keep clothes for more than 2 years if they’re not worn

Do you have any experiences with selling your clothes in the second hand markets?

  • no, because he doesn’t know what price he would sell it for, would like a middle man
  • What habits would you like to work on when it comes to your consumption habits?
    • Buying – want to spend more time seeing if things fit him, wear things that he has more