Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
26 years old
lives in Germany
In college + working part time
Key Findings from the Interview
How often do you buy clothes? (For yourselves and/or for others, like kids or older people?) once in two weeks
What makes you want to buy new clothes? (peers, social media, etc.) either she sees something she likes on a friend or on Instagram
Are there any time in your life when you want to save money on clothes? (Describe if comfortable?) feels that in general she spends too much money on clothes
Where and how do you usually go shopping for clothes? Usually 50/50 in person + online
Do you have experience with secondhand shopping? no.
How do you take care of clothes that you don’t wear anymore? Throws them away
What habits would you like to work on when it comes to your consumption habits? Make less impulsive decisions, assess what I really need and what is just “nice to have”, have a visual of how much I spent out of a pre-determined budget.