POV Statements


July 27, Thursday

Denis AndriaKhaled Essam Hosny AhmedFelipeDilnaz Satubaldiyeva

Each of us creates one POV Statement:

Relating to refugees directly:

Ali and Fatima have similar situations:

Ali, a Syrian refugee in the south of Turkey looking to integrate permanently needs a center with proper infrastructure that has access to resources through self-reliant measures because many Syrian refugees like him lack basic access to clean water, electricity, and food (and often get it through reliant measures).

Ali and Fatima relate (after further development of idea). See below:

Fatima, a Syrian refugee in the south of Turkey needs job opportunities and resources because she is in poverty and has no means to provide for her kids, and at the same time can’t purchase resources because she survives off of NGOs providing aid but it is not sustainable for her future as she is fully dependent.

Salima, her husband, their four children and grandparents were forced to move to another area since her country is not safe. Every day they heard gunshots and bomb explosions. These unsatisfactory conditions made Salima and her husband unable to work and earn money for their basic needs, children could not go to school and receive education, while their grandparents lived in a constant fear for their family members’ daily safety.

Relating to or involving NGOs as well:

Baris, a dedicated and passionate NGO Operator in the South of Turkey needs more funding by getting all-encompassing innovations, as well as self-reliant ideas to decrease refugee dependency and increase independency, because NGO’s mostly provide only relief aid, which works and keeps the refugee alive, but isn’t sustainable nor up to standard in terms resource/quality of life.

FINAL (Combination of Ali and Fatima):

Ali, a Syrian refugee in the south of Turkey looking to integrate permanently needs housing with proper infrastructure that has access to resources through self-reliant measures and vocational education because many Syrian refugees like him lack basic access to clean water, electricity, and food and job opportunities/education (and are thus rendered to complete reliance and non-independence).