
[Abla] Interview 2

  • I typically live either at my mom’s house, or at my girlfriends. However, all of my belongings remain at my moms. I would definitely like to move out into my own apartment and have a space I could call my own in comparison to where I currently live.
  • In regards to parenthood, my initial concerns would be that I have enough income for the child to be properly cared for. That would mean that I have my own home, apartment and car that I don’t have any issues paying for. As well as savings set aside in case anything unexpected happens, or if something needs repairs.That I have enough money for our insurance, living expenses, their schooling, and extracurricular activities. I also of course would want to be in the proper mindset, where I am already taking good care of my physical and mental health to create the best living situation for myself and the kid.
  • As mentioned before, I would want to be in a stable household, where I can take care of any expenses that are necessary to keep a house or apartment in great condition. As well as it being in an area where I know the kid would feel safe. If I didn’t have these things, I would not be thinking about having a kid, even if I really wanted one.
  • As for support and resources, I would like to have friends and family around that I could talk to that have already had children. Specifically, people that I look up to an respect in terms of parenting style. To see what advice they could offer me for my particular situation. People that could help me answer questions I may have not even thought of yet. I would also want to see if I could attend meetings or find a group of people planning on having kids to see what their concerns may be. As well as reading any books or blogs that I find to help guide me towards being the best parent I could be.
  • I would want my first house to be just big enough for us to live comfortably. Nothing crazy, just simple and safe for them to roam around in. Probably with a lot of windows for natural lighting and a pretty open floor plan. A place that would be just big enough to not have any issues cleaning or taking care of on my own. Also a space that they could grow into, and enjoy for years to come. I would want them to either have a back or side yard, or a park in the neighborhood to play at.
  • I’m not sure how I would feel about living with another couple raising a kid. I would be concerned if our parenting styles and values would clash. Also, I couldn’t imagine living in a house big enough where we would all have our own privacy, as that would be an important quality for both myself as well as my child. I wouldn’t necessarily be against it entirely, I would just want to ensure that we would all get along.
  • Honestly in terms of balancing work and personal life, I would like to improve it greatly. I don’t have great time management right now. So the lines between working and actually enjoying activities only for myself is blurred.
  • in the future, I like the potential of working from home. I can’t really imagine working in an office or in one place for a really long time. If I can get a hold of my time management a bit better and have a healthy work/life balance, working from home is preferable. Or having an office/studio space just for myself for some alone time. As for my partner, I am not sure. Their work could be from home or not. I don’t see either as being much of an issue, as long as we can have a space of our own. Also, if they were working outside the home, it would be important to me that they don’t spend all of their time in the weekday at work, especially if we had a kid together.
  • Yes, I would value living somewhere that supports a seamless transition between work and personal life. It doesn’t have to mean that work and home life is in a completely different space, but I would want there to be designated work spaces where either I or my partner could focus and do everything they need to get their work done. If we weren’t able to get work done, or we had to be super quiet and careful about not bothering the other person, I can definitely see that becoming an issue and leading to many arguments.

Who Did You Interview?

  • my roommate she is 23 years old

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • Demographic 1
  • Demographic 2
  • Demographic 3

Key Findings from the Interview

  • Finding 1
  • Finding 2
  • Finding 3