Denis Andria

I am a high-honor rising senior at IICS, an international school in Istanbul, Turkey, pursuing/being involved in a variety of extracurricular activities and ventures. I am half French and half Turkish.

I delight in taking part in sports, (notably Football(Soccer), Basketball, and volleyball), watching movies, and playing common games such as pool and chess.

Researching about investments since the young age of 13, and actively investing since I was 15 have been a gift to share: last summer I started a successful youtube channel and created videos to help young people understand and apply the fundamental concepts and principles of investing.

Moreover, I co-founded and manage a marketing business in the real estate industry: “Panoramic Real Estate” that has grown considerably with a foundational start, which I hope to pursue further this summer and in the coming years. (I was also involved in the marketing operations for 6 months).

I have/am engaged in various internship experiences, namely one within the marketing and social media sector of a major sports broadcasting company “SSport” in Turkey.

Ambitiously networking and connecting early at Stanford has enlightened and invoked me to create and inspire to the next level with the like-minded people around me.

My academic rigor, self-determination, well-being, business ventures, creative and communication skills give me a strong foundation for pursuing my dreams and the Standford experience would allow me to take it to a new level.

I hope to greatly expand my knowledge and skills in Sustainability design thinking in accordance with my ventures at Stanford, and am looking forward to meeting you personally!