Design Project 2 | Interview #4: Jessie Shim

Journal Entry For
Project 2 - Interviews

Interview #4: Jessie Shim

<Interview based on last year's hurricane experience in Florida>.

  1. Impact of Disaster on Food and Water Availability:
    • After a disaster, people usually face electricity outages, making it difficult to cook or store fresh food.
    • The lack of electricity leads people to rely on canned food as it does not require cooking.
    • Water becomes scarce, and finding it at markets can be challenging, with supplies running out quickly.
  2. Dietary Changes After a Disaster:
    • In the aftermath of a disaster, people often resort to eating non-perishable food items like canned goods and cereal.
    • Fresh food options become limited or unavailable due to disrupted supply chains.
  3. Eating Locations During and After Disasters:
    • People who lose their homes due to disasters like hurricanes may take shelter in communal facilities like emergency shelters.
    • Covid-19 may influence communal dining practices, leading to necessary adjustments in eating arrangements in shared spaces.
  4. Importance of Building Material in Disaster Recovery:
    • In disaster-prone areas, using resilient building materials is crucial for minimizing damage and facilitating quicker recovery.
    • Suggestions include replacing ordinary glass with tempered glass to prevent shattering during strong winds.
    • In regions susceptible to hurricanes, using alternative materials to wood can reduce structural damage.
  5. Structure for Community Recovery:
    • A structure to aid community recovery after a disaster could address various aspects:
      • Proactive tree management: Regularly checking and organizing tall tree branches can prevent potential damage to houses during hurricanes.
      • Monitoring coastal houses: Given their vulnerability to winds from the sea, it is essential to monitor and assess the condition of houses near the beach regularly.

⇒ She emphasized the importance of resilient building materials and community support during such times. Overall, food, water, and building material aspects significantly impact a community's recovery after a disaster, making preparedness and communal cooperation crucial for managing the aftermath effectively.