Design Project 1 | Composite Character ProfilesS

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Composite Characters

Composite Character Profiles

Andrea Martínez

  • 21 year-old girl from Panama City, marketing photographer, athlete
  • Not particularly interested in sustainability, prioritizes functionality/practicality
  • Commutes every day from one side of the city to the other for work
  • Says her number one fear while driving is encountering an accident due to a pot-hole

Melany Monterrey

  • 20 year-old girl from Panama City, high-school student athlete
  • Is interested in architecture and public infrastructure
  • Commutes every day to class, is sometimes late to class from encounters with pot-holes

Valentina Fernández

  • 23 year-old girl from Panama City, college student, pedagogy
  • Commutes to work several times a week, has arrived late to work from constant encounters with pot-holes
  • Is disillusioned with the government's road maintenance, sustainability comes mostly from government