Composite Character Profiles


July 27, Thursday

Denis AndriaKhaled Essam Hosny AhmedDilnaz SatubaldiyevaFelipe

Each of us creates one CCP.

1- The Average Syrian Refugee

  • Lacks primary common access to resources, i.e food, water, and electricity, due to a general lack of resources or poverty
  • Ambitiously looking for jobs to help their family
  • Needing education (at all levels depending on proficiency and age).
  • Lacking proper housing in camps in the South of Turkey.
  • Faces cultural differences and denigration when emigrating and integrating to more populated cities for job opportunities

2- Female Syrian Refugee

  • Not recruited for hands-on work
  • Requires specialized training and integration training for commercial integration
  • Often displaced by job search
  • Includes characteristics of “The Average Syrian Refugee”.

Dual CCPs

3- Average NGO Operator and Product Designer

The average NGO operator requires innovative ideas and funding alongside it to implement them thereafter. They are passionate about helping Syrian refugees but need a realistic and viable product to achieve the funding and thereafter help them. The product designer wants to create a product that helps resolve this issue, as they are likewise passionate about helping Syrian refugees. Still, unfortunately, in many cases, they propose a product that only accounts for one factor (i.e. energy), and forget that their design is unviable and unrealistic.

4- Average NGO Operator and Syrian Refugee

The average NGO Operator wants to help Syrian Refugees and is passionate about it. The Syrian Refugee is in horrible conditions, lacks resources and opportunity, and is staying in a deficient camp. The NGO Operator requires funding and ingenious ideas to help them in the long term, as for months on end they only provide relief aid, which works and keeps the refugee alive, but isn’t sustainable. They both need a self-reliant product that the refugees can use and be resource-wise and economically beneficial in the long term.

Expansion and Transition to POV

Average Ali

  • 17 years old
  • Male

-Lacks basic common access to resources, i.e food, water, and electricity, due to a general lack of resources or poverty

-Needing education (at all levels depending on proficiency and age).

-Lacking proper housing in camps in the South of Turkey.

-Often displaced by job search, camp restrictions


  • 40s
  • Male
  • 3 kids

-Share the same characteristics as Average Ali

-Is ambitiously looking for jobs to help his family

-Is used and able to do manual labor-intensive work (i.e construction)


  • 25 years old
  • Female

-Share the same characteristics as Average Ali

-Is ambitiously looking for jobs to help her family

-Requires specialized training and integration training for commercial integration as she can’t be recruited for hands-on work

NGO John

  • 30s
  • Male

-Passionate about helping Syrian Refugees

-Knows in depth about camp operation, refugee’s problems and NGO processes

-Is resourceful in finding funding opportunities and other ways to tackle refugee’s problems