Prototype Feedback and Alterations 1


July 31, Monday

Dilnaz SatubaldiyevaDenis AndriaKhaled Essam Hosny AhmedFelipe

What did you observe?

What did you observe and note as you watched users interact with your prototypes?

They seemed quite interested and intrigued, they all seemed like they understood the design and the visuals to an extent, but needed some context and reasoning.

What feedback did your users share after the testing?

What feedback did your users share after they've had a chance to interact with and explore your prototypes?

Part 1 Denis and Dilnaz:

Round 1 Takeaways:

Harvey’s project- Research on water filtration, explore the details more.

Samuel: Detail the wall insulation

Round 2 Takeaways:

Alessandro: The challenge is the water filtration system, need to detail the process. Hard to maintain resources, have a water

Adeesh: Have a rainwater collection idea, I like it

George: The mobility is hard to achieve, perhaps we can scatter it around

They assumed it would be on the borders for immediate help. We explained the job commitment idea, and it made sense.

Round 3 Takeaways:

Satoshi: Asked if the solar panels supply all the electricity, the conversation led to the efficiency of solar panels.

It is a great idea, but costs a lot, instead of making it one house, perhaps make it as a center. Having one large center is more feasible. The whole system setup is quite expensive and not cost-efficient like a center.

Part 2 Felipe and Khaled:

Session 1:

  • Modular system, all contained within itself (pop it where it needs to be, and it’s easy to connect)
    • Trailer, micro homes
    • One package or easy to connect to the grid
  • Design around the refugee experience (employment, computer centers)
  • Apartment complex suggestion (adding different places that meet their needs - design to better fit the people that live there)

Session 2:

  • A possible problem is that it might need governmental approval and the government might not want to or don’t care about it → Refugee camps in the US are really bad, the government knows about it but doesn’t do anything as it’s not on his interest.
  • Efficiency of solar panels and thermal insulation … how good are they in generating electricity or keeping out the cold\heat
  • Are there any other energy generation solution

Was the feedback consistent?

The feedback received for our project was remarkably consistent and encouraging. When presented with the concept of constructing self-sufficient buildings specifically designed to support Syrian refugees, people responded with a notable display of enthusiasm and positivity. The idea struck a chord with many, as they recognized the urgent need for sustainable and practical solutions to address the refugee crisis.

Despite the overwhelmingly positive reaction, a predominant area of concern that surfaced during the feedback was centered around the water filtration system. Understandably, people emphasized the crucial importance of providing access to clean and safe drinking water, especially in regions facing humanitarian crises. The water filtration system's effectiveness and reliability became a focal point for discussion, reflecting the genuine interest in ensuring its successful implementation.

What were the best learnings?

To elaborate further, the concerns surrounding the water filtration system can be broken down into specific aspects. Firstly, there was interest in understanding the technology employed in the system to ensure that it could handle various types of water sources commonly used in the house. Syrian refugees often settle in areas with limited access to potable water, making the adaptation of the filtration system to diverse water qualities paramount.

Secondly, questions arose regarding the maintenance and sustainability of the water filtration infrastructure. Given the challenging conditions and potential resource limitations in refugee settlements, the system's durability and ease of upkeep were subjects of keen interest. Participants in the feedback process were genuinely interested in knowing how we plan to ensure the long-term functionality of the filtration system. This question pushed us into redirecting our focus to refugee centers instead of separate private houses.

Thirdly, stakeholders expressed the importance of community engagement and education in conjunction with the water filtration initiative. Ensuring that residents fully comprehend the significance of clean water and the proper usage and maintenance of the filtration system was considered a vital step in guaranteeing its continued success and impact.

Moreover, we understand that community involvement is key to the project's triumph. Our team is developing comprehensive outreach programs to empower refugees with the knowledge and skills required to effectively utilize and maintain their lives by devoting their time and work to the hosting country.

Planning to Iterate

Iteration planning can be found in the following:

Convergence Elaboration/Alterations → Finalizing on the Design Concept Outlining Steps Forward → Designing the Final Product