Sustainability Analysis


August 3, Thursday

Denis Andria

Create another note for notion:

Sustainability Analysis - How does this design affect sustainable behaviors (human-centric perspective)?

Our model’s goal, aims for sustainability through self-dependence and self-reliance.

We have directly implemented technologies to account for the lack of necessities, here are the main three features:

-the water recirculation system, which reuses and filters every drop of water used to be as efficiently as possible.

-Solar panels all across, to move towards a far more sustainable energy source for electricity, both for the environment and long-term economic profitability.

-Insulation, that traps the heat out during the day and brings it in at night, keeping room temperature at a good level with proficient natural means that are also highly economically viable.

-Other features include passive harnessing of energy flows, mechanical energy harvesting, and gardening to alleviate food burden.

These features holistically allow for the resource self-reliance the center is based on.

Moreover, we allow for Syrian self-dependence, through the very purpose of the center as well as other neat features.

The center is also a development center, essentially offering all forms of education, including and especially vocational education. This allows Syrians to proactively learn and become educated to thereafter pursue job opportunities and get jobs, engaging in the process to become independent. Syrians also get job opportunities in the center itself, providing food, gardening, etc.

-The Long-Term Vision: They are given a proactive role paired with a mission for increased self-dependence, that starts off great but could evolve over time, as Syrians develop through these centers not only would they be working in the cafeteria, gardening, cleaning, etc but through specialized training would become worldly beings and develop more centers for other Syrians, produce entire cities sparking sustainable growth as these centers scale up into blocks part of a whole.

One highly human-centered sustainable feature of the center is the bike harvesting system. Essentially, a Syrian can bike to harvest the mechanical energy produced by biking, simultaneously improving their fitness and health but also contributing to the energy of the center. One individual may not make a large difference, but a collective with assigned time slots could generate substantial amounts to contribute. The energy output in that regard depends on the Syrian input, an exemplar for how the entire center operates in its other operations and systems in place.

Although some systems and their operations in their complexities may not provide full sustainability, such as the garden only alleviating, or the bike providing limited amounts of energy; nonetheless, they contribute, and provide a far more sustainable alternative to current systems (not to mention the other systems that provide for some resource use to be fully sustainable and self-reliant).

Ultimately, the respective self-reliance systems of the center and self-dependence of the Syrians, provide for a very high degree of sustainability.